Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 5, the Danger Zone

    In past days, we were told that Wednesday would be the dangerous day. Crabby people, bad attitudes, smelly feet. Well it was wrong!!!!! (other than the smelly feet. the smelly feet was every day.) Today was that " dangerous day". Otherwise , it was a good day though. As Allison would say "on my list of bad days, it wasn't the worst, but on my list of good days, it ranked pretty low." and who am I to say any different?
    We started the day off by getting ready and going to Gleaners Food Bank. The first thing we did there was sort through cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and the occasional water melon. Then we went on a tour of the the whole place, led by Ariana.
this is the super cool freezer

     Not too long after that, we folded and stapled plastic bags for around 3 1/2 hours. In that time we stayed hydrated, developed the fear of plastic bags, and became very tired. We also met a new family. They are the funniest looking people I've ever seen.
see, arent they funny looking???

this is Sage Blythe LynchMcClinsey, survivor of the Dangerous Day
signing out............bzzzzzzzz zoop!!!
(screen goes blank. you leave your computer and do something else, while wonder if the others have survived this " dangerous day". then you remember you forgot to check your email, and come back to the computer and leave this page.)

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